Mattresses can turn yellow over time for various reasons, and this yellowing is undesirable both in terms of health and aesthetics. If the mattress is not cleaned regularly, yellow stains can occur on mattresses due to sweat, urine, skin rashes and other external factors. So, how can a yellowing mattress be cleaned and how can this yellowing be prevented? In this article, we will examine the causes of mattress yellowing and effective cleaning tips.
Mattress Yellowing by Natural Processes
Mattresses can turn yellow due to natural processes such as sweat from the human body, skin rashes and friction from clothes. Such stains accumulate over time and form noticeable yellow stains on the surface of the mattress. Sweating in particular is the main cause of yellow stains on the mattress. Salt and other minerals in sweat accumulate in the mattress fabric, causing yellowing.

Although sunlight acts as a natural disinfectant to kill germs in bedding, it can cause yellowing of bedding fabric if exposed for long periods. Avoiding direct sunlight on the bedding and turning the bedding regularly can prevent this type of yellowing.
Humidity and Moisture
Humidity and moisture can cause mold and fungus to grow in bedding, which can lead to yellow stains. High levels of humidity in the bedroom can cause bedding to turn yellow and develop bad odors. Using dehumidifiers and regularly ventilating the bedroom can help prevent yellowing caused by humidity.
Children's Urinary Incontinence
Children's urinary incontinence is one of the most common causes of yellow stains in children's bedding. So how can you remove urine stains from bedding? Urine stains can dry out and become permanent if not cleaned quickly. A mixture of white vinegar and water can be used to remove dried urine stains. This mixture is applied to the stain, left for a few minutes, and then wiped off.

How to Prevent Bed Yellowing?
Preventing bed yellowing both extends the life of the bed and provides a hygienic sleeping environment. Here are the methods to prevent bed yellowing:
Using a Bed Protector
Bed protectors protect beds from sweat, spills and spills. These covers prevent yellowing by preventing dirt and moisture from coming into direct contact with the bed surface.
Changing and Washing Bed Sheets Regularly
Cleaning beds regularly prevents yellowing. Bed cleaning with baking soda removes bad odors and stains on the bed surface. Mattress cleaning with vinegar and baking soda is also an effective method. You can keep your beds clean and hygienic with these methods.
Turning and Ventilating Beds Regularly
Turning and ventilating beds at regular intervals prevents moisture accumulation and therefore yellowing. You can support this process by turning beds upside down every three months and ventilating your room regularly.
Using Moisture Absorbing Products
Moisture absorbing products prevent mold and fungus from forming by absorbing excess moisture in the bedroom. These products help maintain the appropriate humidity level in the bedroom and prevent beds from yellowing.
Keeping the Headboard and Underneath Clean
The headboard and underneath of the bed are areas prone to dust and dirt accumulation. Regular cleaning of these areas prevents dirt from accumulating on the bed and prevents yellowing. Clean these areas regularly with a vacuum cleaner.
Intervening Quickly in Case of Urinary Incontinence
Especially for families with children, it is important to intervene quickly in case of bed incontinence. If urine stains are not cleaned quickly, they can dry and turn into permanent yellow stains. Treating the stain with a mixture of white vinegar and water while it is still fresh prevents the stain from becoming permanent.
Using Sweat-Absorbing Sheets and Covers
Sweat-absorbing sheets and pillowcases prevent yellowing by preventing sweat from reaching the bed surface. These products absorb sweat, especially in the hot summer months, and keep beds clean.
Regularly Cleaning Your Bed
Regularly cleaning your beds prevents yellowing. Cleaning your bed with baking soda removes bad odors and stains on the bed surface. Cleaning your bed with vinegar and baking soda is also an effective method. You can keep your beds clean and hygienic with these methods.
Using Mattress Protector Spray
Mattress protector sprays prevent stains and dirt from penetrating the bed by creating a protective barrier when applied to the bed surface. These sprays significantly prevent yellowing of beds when used regularly.
Keeping Smoking and Food Consumption Out of the Bedroom
Cigarette smoke and food residues can cause yellowing and bad odors on the bed surface. Keeping such habits out of the bedroom is important in terms of maintaining bed cleanliness and hygiene.

How to Clean a Yellowed Mattress?
Yellow stains that form on mattresses over time can be both unhygienic and annoying. Fortunately, it is possible to get rid of these yellow stains using various effective methods and natural ingredients. Here are some effective methods you can use to clean yellow stains on mattresses.
Baking Soda and Vinegar: A mixture of baking soda and vinegar is an effective method for cleaning yellow stains on mattresses. Apply the mixture to the stain and let it foam, then rinse with clean water.
Oxygen Water: Oxygen water is a powerful stain remover and can be effective on yellow stains. Apply it to the stain with a spray bottle, wait a few minutes, and then rinse with clean water.
Lemon Juice: Lemon juice is a natural whitener and can help remove yellow stains on mattresses. Apply lemon juice to the stain, let it dry in the sun, then rinse with water.
Steam Cleaner: Steam cleaners can effectively remove stains with high heat and steam. You can clean yellow stains by moving the steam cleaner over the mattress.
White Soap: Cleaning yellowed mattresses with white soap is a very effective and simple method. First, clean the excess dust and dirt on the mattress surface with a vacuum cleaner. Then fill a container with warm water and dip the white soap into this water to lather. Dip a clean cloth or sponge into this foamy water, gently apply it to the yellow stained area and rub the stains. Leave the soap on the stain for 15-20 minutes. After this period, wipe the soap residue on the stain with a clean cloth dipped in warm water and air the mattress to dry naturally.
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